7 Digital Marketing Tools To Grow Your Business in 2023

7 Digital Marketing Tools To Grow Your Business in 2023

7 Digital Marketing Tools To Grow Your Business in 2023

2023 is here and just like every other year business owners are making plans for their businesses and how to leverage digital marketing tools to scale or automate their businesses

I recently recommended these tools to a client who needed help with strategizing her business better. She wants to use digital marketing tools to boost leads and sales in 2023.

In this article, I highlighted the top 5 digital marketing tools to help you and everyone else who wishes to use digital marketing to better their business in 2022

These tools will help you run your online business effortlessly in 2022 


Let’s go 

  1. Landing Page & Sales Page

WordPress is the best content management system you can use to build a landing page and sales page.

Plugins like Elementor, Brizy Pro, Leadpages, etc. They can you build landing pages and sales pages without coding.

  • Lead magnet: Provide something of value in exchange for their contact details. e.g.  You can give out your eBook/or services for free in exchange for their email address, name, or phone number.
  • Products/Services Offers: Place an offer in front of your prospects or clients. Make it juicy enough for them to want to take the offer. Remember “People don’t buy products, they buy offers” if your offer is not enticing enough, they won’t buy.
  • AI (Copywriting & Research)

Artificial Intelligence platforms are here to stay and they can help you get work done faster in less time. You can generate content at the snap of your fingers, and get unmatched results for some search queries.

There are many of them out there that you can use. From ChatGPT to copy.ai etc

They are a great arsenal to have in 2023

  • Email Marketing ( Mailchimp)

As you build your list you need email marketing software that will integrate easily into your website. One such tool is Mailchimp.

Mailchimp is an email marketing automation platform that can manage your email list and as well help you in building an email list. manages your email list.

One interesting thing about MailChimp is that it’s free provided you don’t have an already existing email list. The free version comes with 2000 email subscribers after which you can upgrade. You can design your landing, sales page, email newsletters, and. It also lets you track your email marketing results. 

  • Zoom (For Schedule Meetings and Sales Calls)

The world turned its attention to zoom in 2020 during the pandemic as more and more people are not embracing the platform.

Zoom is a video conferencing software. It’s used for video conferencing calls, online meetings, and chats. Zoom is easy to use. You can use is it to schedule meetings and sales call 

  • Customer Support: Use WhatsApp

The fastest way to get a response from your customer is to use and be on the platform they are using or on.

If you which to bring your customers up to speed with what’s happening, and respond to queries or inquiries, WhatsApp Message is the best platform to do so.

  • Payment System (Paystack & Flutterwave)

Paystack and Flutterwaveis an online payment platform that makes it easy for its users (merchants) to accept card payments online from customers. It is easy to set up and you don’t need to own a website to create a Paystack or Flutterwave payment link for your business.

  • Google Analytics

If you want to track your website performance in 2022, you need Google Analytics to help you analyze your website performance. With Google Analytics, you can make business decisions fast and track what’s working and what is not working.


These are many more tools I use and they will be useful for you in 2022 and beyond

Are there any tools you would have loved to see listed and it’s not?

Kindly comment on this post, I might add it when I’ll be upgrading this article


I can help you and your organization set this up if you need someone or an agency to help set up and automated your online process. Click here to book a discovery call

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